Meet the Maker: Lisa Rooney of Gossamer


Gossamer is a multidisciplinary studio, specializing in one of a kind ceramics, jewelry, and stained glass.

My work is influenced by nature and pre-industrial cultures that explore patient and intricate handwork. It is my love of nature that steers me to work with natural and sustainable materials such as ceramics, wood, plants, glass, hand-made paper, and other found and repurposed materials. I’m interested in exploration of materiality and process; interweaving mediums and skills; exploring delicacy, intricacy, simplicity, and connectivity, while finding beauty in the imperfections and spaces in between.


Learn more about Lisa and her Art

Where do you find inspiration?

I’m genuinely always in a state of inquiry, and weird beautiful humans are always feeding my soul. Much of the work that I feel most connected to draws inspiration from nature, finding a grounded rhythm, and is rooted in ritual and tradition. A shorter answer; the desert.


What is your favorite part of your process/job?

Seeking and revealing a slow beauty. Sinking my hands into the clay; learning the language, boundaries, and viscerality of the earth.


How did your business come to exist?

It’s been a slow evolution; My background is in sculpture, and while clay has always been my greatest love, I’ve weaved in and out of mediums all of my life (and probably always will). My first jewelry collection came to be accidentally. I was building furniture in a woodshop and couldn't bring myself to throw the tiny scraps of beautiful wood into the trash. Then once you start jewelry making, it's something you can't stop, so new collection after new collection came to be. But like I said, clay is the medium I always come home to. After reading The Artist’s Way last year I knew I had to give the work more of my focus. ...And this is still very much the beginning of the journey.


What’s your dream project?

Learning to build a wood fired kiln….

What is your biggest challenge?

Having the patiences to let my work dry properly. Sometimes I finish a piece and want to send it straight into the kiln to be fired… But bigger pieces can take weeks to dry and I’m constantly battling with myself to wait.

Get in touch with Lisa

Instagram: @gossamer.studios



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