Gratitude Challenge: 30 Days of Building Abundance

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Welcome to West + Main’s 2020 Gratitude Challenge

Start each day with gratitude.


Each day, your challenge will have 2 or 3 parts:
Building Abundance
Do More

As we're business-building, goal-setting and reflecting over the next few weeks, use these tasks to maintain your focus, spark new ideas, create new habits and appreciate the people and opportunities that surround you.

I would recommend finding an Accountability Partner - commit to keeping each other on track through this next 30 Days! Jump in any time, mix-and-match the tasks…most importantly, DO SOMETHING EVERY DAY to more your Real Estate Business forward.

Being grateful creates more reasons to be grateful.

(Check back to this post each day as we add to the Challenge!)

Day 1

Focus on Supporting Small and/or Local Businesses. As we head into the holiday season, make a list of all the shops + makers you want to support this month.

Building Abundance: Download the Small Business graphics and insta story templates and create a plan for posting them. Will you do 1 each day? 1 each week? Where will you post? (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest are all great platforms to post these on!)

Do More: Tag the Business featured in each one to make sure that more people see your posts.

Day 2

Plan the rest of your month and take a few moments to be grateful for your personal + professional opportunities. Make sure to block time for Open Houses, Floor time, meetings and classes, as well as time for connecting with your sphere and most importantly self-care! Commit to using the W+M Weekly Agenda for one week to see if it's something you want to build into your business.

Build Abundance: Create a Saved Search for West + Main Listings in Matrix and schedule to send to yourself Daily including Coming Soons, Actives, and Pendings: this is a great way to find Open House opportunities, keep a pulse on the pace of the market across the Greater Metro area, and know what your colleagues are listing: you might even find your Favorite House of the Week in our own inventory!

Do more: One final push to get out the vote - share the VOTE graphics on your social platforms, text them to friends who might not have dropped off their ballot yet, and remember to be grateful for your opportunity to participate in the process!

Day 3

Turn off the news and get outside for at least an hour today. Take a walk, go for a hike, have drinks on a sunny patio...focus on being present in the moment, take deep breaths, and let go of what you can't control.

Building Abundance: Review all of your online profiles and make sure that you are easy to find and contact (is your email and/or phone number easy to find?):Facebook (Personal and Business Pages)
Instagram (Personal and Business Pages)

Do More: Reach out to a friend you haven't seen in a while and make sure they're OK.

Day 4

Gratitude: Research and schedule a new non-profit that you can get involved with, or re-commit to helping an organization that you’re already passionate about. Budget your time + money contribution for this month, and schedule your volunteer time. Today is a great day to get involved + give back!

Building Abundance: Order or buy The Go-Giver if you don’t already have a copy.

Do More: Buy your book at a local bookshop. Order or buy an extra copy for a friend who might benefit from reading it.


Day 5

Gratitude: Wow, another record-setting month for Colorado's Real Estate Market! Even with widespread wildfires, a global pandemic, a very divided political atmosphere leading up to a historic Presidential election, and uncertainty regarding health + safety measures which might need to be taken over the next few months, our industry continues to thrive while helping people in our communities relocate, pivot + move, out of both want and necessity. Take a deep breath and take pride in the role you play. You're wonderful at your job, and you make a difference to your clients.

Building Abundance: Post the latest Market Stats graphic and report on your social platforms. Include some insight or a personal anecdote about how the market looks from your professional Point of View, a story about a client who has been impacted by today's local Real Estate environment, or some advice for your followers!

Do More: Register for Megan Aller's Monthly Market Update.


Day 6

It's Feel Good Friday! Take a minute to appreciate that you've made it through this crazy week, and take some time to get outside today!

Building Abundance: Audit your mailchimp Audience List before sending out your e-newsletter today. Take a look at your report from last week and make note of people who opened your newsletter (are there people that opened it several times or clicked on multiple links?) Can you add a few names to your list? Think about people in your networking group, at your gym, that you've met at the dog park, open house attendees...even people you've connected with on insta or linkedin!

Do More: Add a personal message to your mailchimp e-newsletter before you send it out's really easy to add a text box (you could add it at the top, or the bottom, or wherever you'd like!)

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Day 7

Follow 20 new people on Instagram and like/ leave a genuine comment on at least one of their posts to create engagement! Try connecting with Realtors in other areas who might become referral partners, as well as people outside of your usual box!

Building Abundance: Update your Instagram bio. Here is a handy guide from Katie Lance, Social Media Coach for Real Estate Agents, that might spark some inspiration!

Do More: Learn all about Insta Reels and how to use them with this webinar replay + guide from Breakthrough Broker

Day 8

Take a few minutes to make sure that your Facebook feed is a place where you find joy. If there are people you need to let go of, or things you don't want to see, unfollow or unfriend. Facebook is a powerful tool, but it should inspire + delight you, not drain or depress you.

Building Abundance: Utilize the 5-5-5 rule on Facebook. The 5-5-5 rule is a great rule to use on social media to ensure that you are being truly social and effective. "Like" at least 5 people's posts; comment on at least 5 posts; and private message at least 5 people. This really drives great social engagement and if you are comfortable, can become a fruitful practice when done consistently. It also allows you to come to the platform with a purpose and be more effective while there, disconnecting when you have achieved your objective.

Do More: Create a Content Grid to organize and maximize your time spent on social media

Here are a few bonus tips for making the most out of this grid (via Katie Lance):

  1. Think beyond the now. When you are planning your social media content, use this grid as a way to plan ahead and schedule some content. Don’t ‘set it and forget it’ – but plan ahead!

  2. Create original content. Use this grid as inspiration to create original content like Facebook Live, videos for YouTube or Instagram Stories. Original content will help you connect with your audience and ultimately help generate more business.

  3. Be consistent. Pick a few days each week you want to post content and be consistent. Perhaps each week you’ll have “Market Update Monday” or " "Wallpaper Wednesday” Consistency is key!

And, don't forget, West + Main agents have access to a TON of content that is ready to share!
+ Share relevant + interesting stories from the West + Main Blog
+ Find cover photos, seasonal graphics, content ideas and more in the Brokermint Library
+ And join the #socialgraphics channel here on slack to give you even easier access to these assets, which we add to regularly!

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Day 9

Introduce two people that you think would benefit from knowing each other. As an agent, you want to be viewed as a community resource, not just a Realtor. By offering these types of connections, you can drive serious value to those around you and your local community. People will not only return the favor but they will want to connect with you in the future.

Building Abundance: Plan out the occasions that you are going to mail cards in 2020. Are you going to acknowledge birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, babies, Mother's/Father's Day, etc. Also plan to come to our Power Hour Workshop on Wednesday on Zoom! Have your mailing list (CRM, spreadsheet etc) as well as some cards, stickers, address stamp handy and see what we can accomplish, together, in one hour!

Do More: We're 1 week into the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge! Check in with your Accountability Partner + catch up on any tasks you might have missed


Day 10

Gratitude: Order thoughtful gifts for your sphere, just in time for holiday gift deliveries or popbys! These ornaments are personalized by hand, and come bagged and tagged with a cute ribbon, all ready to go. I like to drop them off with a bottle of wine or in a gift basket, but you could also mail them in a padded envelope. They will be ready to be picked up from the OKC Office.Once you fill out the order form, Leah Tucker from West + Main Colorado ( will follow up with a form for personalization info.

Building Abundance:
Make your lists + check them twice: Who do you need to make sure to treat or thank this Holiday season? Don't forget vendors that have taken great care of your clients, referral partners who have made client introductions, agents in your area that you appreciate and want to stay connected to, affiliates who help your life and business run smoothly, teachers, dogwalkers, housecleaners...your list is likely really lengthy, so now is a great time to get organized and ready to ensure you don't miss someone special!

Do More: Add a few extra people to your holiday lists...ask a local senior center or retirement home if you can send cards or little gifts to their residents, or think about treating your local fire or police station. Ask a lower-income school what you might be able to sponsor or provide for students and staff, as we head into the cold weather can you be of service or make someone's day a little brighter?

Day 11

: We're all grateful for the tools + technology that make our jobs easier...everything from the MLS platforms, to email, contract + transaction software...our phones and laptops and all the things...and especially SLACK! But it's always good to take a few minutes to make sure that all of your stuff is set up for optimal efficiency and security.

Building Abundance: Dig into your systems. Do you have 2-Factor Authentication set up on all of the accounts where it's available? Your West + Main gmail account, your Facebook, Instagram + Twitter accounts, your online credit card and bank accounts, if you use Quickbooks you should also make sure 2-Factor Authentication is turned on there as well. Don't wait until you get hacked to tackle this's not a fun process to recover your accounts, and it can be really costly as well.

Do More: Are you still using the same password for all of your platforms?! We would highly recommend using a Password App to generate and store your important logins and passwords. The good ones cost a few dollars a month, and only take a few minutes to set up on all of your devices.

Do Even More: Thank a Veteran.

Day 12

We have so many places to connect with people even as we're being asked to limit our time and exposure with others. If you have reached the end of your Instagram feed, or are tired of the drama you might be seeing on's time to give in and spend some time on LinkedIn!

Building Abundance: Post on LinkedIn today. You might share the latest market stats, a Company announcement like West + Main's partnership with Accept. Inc or the new South Office Coming Soon, or another story that your LinkedIn community might find interesting from our blog at

Do More:
Watch this LinkedIn Class taught by Marguerite Martin for West + Main in early March 2020. It's full of great advice for Real Estate agents, technical tips, and different strategies for making the most of your time on LinkedIn!Do Even More: Like or Comment on 20 LinkedIn Posts today and make sure to follow West + Main Homes on LinkedIn!


Day 13

Gratitude: If you haven't sent the weekly e-newsletter yet, send it's an easy way to provide your people with a great mix of content that aims to be informative, entertaining, and useful. Are you stuck on any part of the process? Slack me, I'll help you through it! Also, if you haven't set up a mailchimp account or have forgotten how to send the newsletter, here you go!

Building Abundance:
Check your mailchimp campaign report...are there people that clicked on more than one link? That opened your newsletter more than once? These are the people that should go on your list of people to reach out to over the next few days...text, call, can be really specific "Hey! I saw that you clicked the link in my newsletter about choosing a mortgage...are there any questions that I can answer for you?" or you can go a little more vague "Hi friend! You just popped into my head so I wanted to reach out and say hi...sooooo HI!" The newsletter analytics are a super powerful + insightful tool!

Dig a little deeper: Learn all about mailchimp reports and best practices here.

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Day 14

Gratitude: One bright side of this year's global events has been the motivation to provide so many opportunities to learn + grow in this business, with the convenience of both recorded and live online learning + meeting environments.

Building Abundance: Take a few minutes to audit your required classes and organize your CE certificates. You're solely responsible for keeping track of these, and if you are audited, you will need to produce them in order to defend your licensure.In case you missed it, here are some reminders from Ashley, please let her know if you have questions:For each three-year license cycle, all active real estate brokers must complete 24 hours of continuing education.
Three-Year License Cycle Continuing Education Requirements

  • Twelve (12) of the 24 hours must be comprised of three (3) different versions of the four hour (4) Annual Commission Update Course.

  • The remaining twelve (12) hours can be any combination of elective credit hours approved by the Commission.

  • You must retain proof of completion of continuing education courses for a minimum of four years and provide proof of completion upon the Commission’s request.

Regarding newly licensed brokers: An initial broker’s license expires at midnight on December 31st of the year in which it was issued. During that initial licensure period, the newly licensed broker will not have any obligation to complete any continuing education. After that initial license period, the active licensee will then be on a three-year license cycle and be obligated to complete 24 hours of continuing education within that licensing cycle.

Do More: Register NOW for the 2021 Updates and get them completed as early as possible...they will consist of explanations of important changes to our commission policies, contracts and more. We've added several to the calendar already, and will continue to add them as we see them advertised.

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Day 15

We are more than halfway through the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge! Take a moment to reflect on the progress that you've made, new habits you've created, and intentions that you have set and are working toward.

Building Abundance: Research 2021 Planners and commit to using one. If you google "Planners for Realtors" you will see tons of options...or you could just hit up your local bookstore and check out all the options! Maybe you're more digital than analog....look for calendar plugins that might help you stay on track. Whether you want to try a Bullet Journal, a Productivity Planner, a Life Planner or the Ninja Planner...the best one is the one that you will actually use. Share in the thread below...which Planner did you choose?

Do More: Share in Slack...which Planner did you choose? Do you already have a planner that you love and will be using again in 2021?

Day 16

Gratitude: We're rounding the corner into 2021. Whew...2020 has been quite a rollercoaster ride, right? Let's focus on the good today.

Building Abundance: If you haven't already, register for Erin Bradley's 2021 Business Planning Workshop on December 8th.Transform from chaos to calm, and plan for healthy growth in real estate in 2021.

About Erin Bradley:

My journey as an entrepreneur and real estate investor inspired me to write my book, “Pursuing Freedom: Be Yourself, Increase Your Referrals, and Have More Fun Growing Your Business!,” a passion project designed to help my fellow freedom-seekers and entrepreneurs develop a strategy to bridge the gap between doing what you love...and achieving financial freedom!

This passion has since developed into Pursuing Freedom, my podcast and coaching service dedicated to helping you design the life of your dreams, then create a business that supports that lifestyle. The goal is to build a life you don’t need a vacation from!

What’s my why? I love spending time with my husband and two kids and having fun with friends and family. I'm always up for an adventure, love travel, the Colorado mountains, playing outside, and generally enjoying today. It’s my mission to help you believe in, and achieve, anything you set your mind to!

Do More:

DOWNLOAD these files after registering! Complete the Reflection Questions Prior to the Class.

  1. Business Planning Preparation

  2. Design Your Future


Day 17


Even though conferences and meetings are getting canceled and postponed all over the place, the National Association of Realtors managed to pull theirs of virtually, and important issues were discussed and advanced, including the Regulatory Issues Forum, which hosted a session called “The Role of Homeownership in Advancing Racial Equality and Ending Racial Disparities,” which looked at the history of housing discrimination in the U.S., as well as the racial wealth gap, to determine how REALTORS® can combat discriminatory behavior and systemic racism in order to provide equal housing opportunities for all.

Building Abundance:

Vince Malta, president of NAR, kicked off the session with the following statement:

“REALTORS® must be active participants in promoting equality, inclusion and acceptance. Housing discrimination and segregation have devastating impacts on families in terms of the racial homeownership gap, the racial wealth gap, and disparities in education, healthcare and so much more. We must educate our members and the public about the past. We must be clear-eyed about the problems that exist in the present. We must have honest and frank discussions about the disparities that exist because we can’t solve problems that we don’t see and don’t measure.“Change starts with us. Fair Housing is the law, and to REALTORS® is the fundamentally right thing to do. It is an absolute necessity if we are to live up to our Code of Ethics and safeguard real property rights for every American. We recognize that it’s not enough to stop discriminatory behavior. We must take action to remedy years’ worth of inequality.”

Read the rest of the summary.

Do More:
Watch this recording of Fair Housing 101, which West + Main Homes hosted several months ago, and watch for a new Fair Housing series hosted by West + Main Homes coming up in Q1 of 2021!


Day 18


As we head into COVID Level Red, take a minute to realize that all of this is happening FOR you, not TO you. When you look back on this time, will you recall a time of peace, hope, and quiet grace...or will you only remember the challenges and frustration? You or someone you know is likely feeling really disappointed about what this Holiday Season is going to look like, the limitations that we're facing, and the adjustments that we'll all need to make in order to keep our loved ones safe + healthy...check in with yourself + others, focus on the good, and remember that your place in this crisis is up to you.

Building Abundance: Spend some time on your social platforms today with intention. Look for signs of pain, need or distress from the people you're connected to. Stop scrolling + reach out...something as simple as a Facebook message or instagram comment might make all the difference in the world to someone who needs it. Also look for signs of change, and make a note on your calendar to reach out when it's appropriate - careers, families and housing needs are all in a state of constant flux - be a proactive and helpful resource.

Do More: Commit to a more healthy Safer at Home experience this time around - that might mean regular exercise, time outdoors every day, time away from screens, turning off the news, eating something besides leftover mashed potatoes and holiday cookies...whatever it is for you, put it in your calendar, set an alarm or timer, loop in an accountability buddy and feel even better coming out of this Red Level period then you do going into it!

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Day 19

Most of the people in your sphere and farm area probably have accumulated a decent (or even amazing) amount of equity in their property, even if they bought fairly recently, because home values have continued to rise and are getting pushed up at an even faster rate due to low inventory and COVID demand.

Building Abundance: Spend some time today pulling some CMAs, and commit to making it a daily or weekly habit, to update your people on the current value of their home. You'll find some tools to make this easy in our Brokermint + Livestorm start by deciding on the tools + strategies that will make this a task that you don't hate tackling on a regular basis.These might include the attached CMA sheets - don't overthink it! Just do the quick research and handwrite it, along with a little note. You can mail these, email them, OR to start an even faster convo - snap a photo and text this to the homeowner! You're bound to get a "thank you" or even better, some follow-up questions

Do More: Watch the replays:

New Kids Class - CMA WorkshopCloud CMA Demo


Using Realist to Save a Property Report for a Subject Property for a CMA - Watch here
How to do Saved Searches in Matrix related to Subject Property for CMA - Watch here
How to use Carts in Matrix to Narrow Comps for your Subject Property CMA - Watch here


Day 20

Can you imagine surviving in this business without the tools + automation that we have access to as Realtors and independent sales people in 2020? Take a minute to appreciate the platforms, tech + innovation that make your work easier + more efficient.

Building Abundance: If you are already using Homebot, check your dashboard - are there folks on your list that have been more active than usual, opened their digest several times, etc? Make sure to reach out to them and offer to be a resource. Also make sure to add any new contacts to your list!

If you have not yet learned about Homebot, watch this session with Nina Hein from Homebot as an intro (and there's also a discount code if you decide to sign up) and check out West + Main's Homebot user guide

Ready to dig deeper? Watch this Homebot for Buyers Recorded Webinar - "Qualify leads and generate more opportunities with the newly improved Homebot for Buyers experience"

(Let @Greg know if you have questions about Homebot!)

Do More: If you haven't already, make sure to buy an easy-to-remember domain for your Homebot landing page.

Do Even More: Is Homebot part of your nurturing or farming strategy? Get more return by ordering Homebot square cards or postcards to drive traffic to your Homebot signup page!

(Let @madie or @Helen Thompson know if you have questions about Homebot Promo Materials)


Day 21

It might be the last day of the month, but it's the first day of the rest of the year! In Real Estate sales, December is typically a month when established producers might take a breather, focus on business planning, and wait out the holiday season, when sales tend to be a little slower. I don't think 2020 is going to be typical (understatement, right?)

In order to keep your momentum going strong, remember that it's the work you do each day that is planting the seeds for your Real Estate future - sometimes it feels like "busy work" and it can get frustrating to not see immediate results, but just know that setting up systems, growing and nurturing your database, and looking for/asking for opportunity IS the work...the transactions are the results of that work you're putting in, hopefully on a constant basis. As you're trying to limit your face-to-face interactions and time spent with people, don't forget that there are so many ways to stay connected, to help your people, and to be a trusted friend + resource.

Building Abundance: Did you shop local this weekend? Have you had a great meal created by a restaurant recently? Have you had a vendor over-deliver or go the extra mile for you or your clients lately? Take a few minutes today and leave them a review or recommendation - on Google, Yelp, Nextdoor, or another platform where people might find the information useful. Make sure to tag them and let them know! Try to make this a habit - ratings + reviews are so important for small business owners, but most people only bother to write a review when they are either disappointed in a product or experience or incentivized to leave a review.

Do More: Ask some people to say nice things about you! This doesn't have to include only clients from closed might be someone who knows and trusts you, who you have worked with in another capacity or industry, or even your Grandma who will be happy to talk about how sweet you are.

Start with RealSatisfied! You have an account (make sure to fill out your profile completely and add your NRDS number), and it only takes a couple of minutes to send a Survey. The recipient does not need to create a login or account, and it's a very simple process that is great for your online presence and personal SEO!

Real Satisfied Information + Tutorial
